Mashup Score: 0Multiparametric MRI of the Prostate: Beyond Cancer Detection and Staging | Radiology - 4 year(s) ago
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Source: pubs.rsna.orgCategories: Latest Headlines, RadiologyTweet
Mashup Score: 6
The direct visualization of the biopsy needle and lesion location during sampling provides MRI-guided in-bore biopsies a superior sampling accuracy compared with MRI–transrectal US fusion biopsies.
Source: pubs.rsna.orgCategories: Latest Headlines, RadiologyTweet
Read Dr Costa's editorial regarding multiparametric MRI prostate and its role beyond just detection and staging. https://t.co/98tJw2KA1O @DanielCostaMD @UTSW_Radiology @utswcancer https://t.co/IuIIcqTjGc