FDA grants AI algorithm for heart failure Breakthrough Device designation
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The free newsletter covering the top headlines in AI
A new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that people taking Wegovy during the COVID pandemic were less likely…
Long-term, daily intake of high levels of caffeine impacts recovery of heart rate and blood pressure following physical exertion.
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 4, 2024 (HealthDay News) — A wearable heart monitor raises the detection rate of the dangerous irregular heartbeat known as atrial fibrillatio
Contact: Julie Boyland, Jboyland@acc.org, The American College of Cardiology (ACC) Quality Summit 2024 will take p lace on September 17-19 in San Antonio, bringing together…
Fewer deaths and negative health outcomes were identified in patients with chronic kidney disease and who caught Covid-19 after treatment with semaglutide.
MONDAY, Sept. 2, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Hospitals see more admissions for heart attacks in the days after cold weather sets in, new research shows.”Individual
A popular weight loss drug reduced the risk of COVID-19 deaths, according to a new study. The research, published Friday in the Journal of the…
New studies suggest the weight loss drug could be used to treat a range of issues, including heart failure.
Contact: Nicole Napoli, nnapoli@acc.org, Hospital admissions for heart attacks increase after exposure to lower air temperature and cold spells, according to a study published today…
Though there are limitations, the sham-controlled trial shows “no clinically relevant placebo effect,” a researcher says.