GU Oncology Now

Genitourinary Oncology

GU Oncology Now delivers the latest news in therapeutics, clinical trials, conference coverage, and more, highlighting important advancements in genitourinary oncology treatments and technologies with the goal of better informing oncology decisions and improving patient outcomes.

A Look Back and a Look Forward: GU Oncology Now Into the New Year

Dear readers,

As we welcome 2025, let us reflect on some of last year’s biggest accomplishments and consider where the genitourinary oncology field may be heading this year.

From the groundbreaking NIAGARA trial in MIBC to investigating new ICIs and TKIs in RCC, we gained a breadth of new knowledge from some of the brightest leaders in the field during roundtables, conference interviews, one-on-one discussions, and more.

We hope you enjoy!

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GU Oncology Now 

  • Mashup Score: 32
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    • ⭐ In our new star-studded roundtable, Drs. @katy_beckermann, @montypal, @DrChoueiri, @HHammersMD, and @PBarataMD discuss ICIs, TKIs, and more treatments in the #RCC landscape. 📺 Learn about the the TiNivo-2 and CONTACT-3 trials in part one:

  • Mashup Score: 33
    • 🎓From #ESMO24 @myESMO Presidential Symposium to @Uromigos #UromigosLive24, @tompowles1 shares an exclusive look with @GUOncologyNow into his groundbreaking #NIAGARA trial in #MIBC, which proved ⬆️ OS and EFS when #durvalumab was added to the SOC regimen.

      👀Dr. Powles shares…

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    • Thomas Powles, MBBS, MRCP, MD, shares the groundbreaking results of the NIAGARA study, a global phase 3 trial involving 1,000 patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer.

  • Mashup Score: 14

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    • A roundtable discussion at #GU24, featuring @koshkin85, @PGrivasMDPhD, @DrKarineTawagi, @DrTFriedlander, and @sonpavde considered the latest available data for #mUC pertaining to #EV, #atezolizumab, #erdafitinib, and other therapy options. Watch Now:

  • Mashup Score: 13

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    • Dive into the latest insights from the #UNITE study on targeted agents for advanced #UrothelialCarcinoma with this panel discussion from #GU24 featuring @koshkin85, @AmandaNizamMD, @DocMattCampbell, and @OAlhalabiMD. Watch Now:

  • Mashup Score: 24

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    • 🧠 Catch our latest discussion with @PGrivasMDPhD of @fredhutch on his career trajectory as well as his drive to address unmet needs, revolutionize, and transform the care of patients in #BladderCancer. 📰 Find Out More: