Mashup Score: 0Apolipoprotein E is enriched in dense deposits and is a marker for dense deposit disease in C3 glomerulopathy - 8 month(s) ago
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Nephrology With Joel Topf, MD
NephrologyDr. Topf is an assistant clinical professor of medicine at Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, creator and host of the Freely Filtered and Channel Your Enthusiasm podcasts, creator of the Precious Bodily Fluids blog, and co-creator of NephMadness and NephJC.
Mashup Score: 0Seeing through the density of dense deposit disease - 8 month(s) ago
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Mashup Score: 0Shedding Light on the Dense Matter of C3 Glomerulopathy - 8 month(s) ago
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Mashup Score: 0Sanjeev Sethi talks about MPGN at ISNWCN24 - 8 month(s) ago
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Mashup Score: 0
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At the recently concluded International Society of Nephrology World Congress of Nephrology (#ISNWCN24) there was simultaneous presentation and publication of a new risk calculator for chronic kidney disease. I am a big fan of the Tangri Kidney Failure Risk Calculator. It is the rare calculation that has changed my practice. I use it regularly in counseling my patients and guiding my decision making. But the hole in Tangri's calculation is it doesn't take into account the competing risk of death. I'm not sure how often this will change wht I do, but it seems like an important gap that needed filling. Enter the Liu formula.
Mashup Score: 0Predicting the outcomes of chronic kidney disease in older adults - 8 month(s) ago
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Mashup Score: 0Online calculator for the new Liu Kidney Failure Risk Formula - 8 month(s) ago
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Here is an online formula that predicts death and dialysis using the same inputs we have for the Tangri formula. I love that it doesn't change the inputs, this will help operationalize using this formula, since we don't need to change what we collect while seeing patients. The website is a bit slow, but it does have a nice "Presentation" tab which provides a visual abstract-like presentation of the results.
Mashup Score: 0Swap examines KDpredict equation - 8 month(s) ago
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Dense deposit disease doesn't usually make news. It is a rare and dangerous glomerulonephritis. Last we heard about it was when it lost its perch at MPGN type II nad was recast as one of a pair of C3 glomerulopathies, along side of C3 glomerulonephriotis.
But dense deposit disease is back in the news because the identitiy of those dense deposits has finally been discovered. It is apolipoprotein E. This was discovered by using laser capture microdissection along with confocal microscopy. Another nephrology mystery solved.