Prevention With Joel Kahn, MD


Dr. Kahn is a summa cum laude graduate of the University of Michigan School of Medicine. He practices cardiology in Detroit, is a clinical professor of medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, and specializes in vegan nutrition and heart disease reversal.

  • Joel Kahn MD, FACC

    Dear readers, We end 2024 by stressing the prevention of cardiovascular disease at as early an age as possible. A study from rural areas of…

  • Joel Kahn MD, FACC

    Dear readers, A week full of nutrition research to review before the holidays and overeating. A review of older adults indicates that the MED diet…

  • Joel Kahn MD, FACC

    Dear readers, Maybe it is poorly timed to talk about food so soon after Thanksgiving meals, but there is a lot of new research. For…

  • Joel Kahn MD, FACC

    Dear readers, I received many emails from my patients about an article in the Wall Street Journal about a case study of calcium score CT…

  • Joel Kahn MD, FACC

    Dear readers, Lipoprotein(a) is a hot topic, but one we have focused on in my clinic for over 10 years. A new and important study…

  • Joel Kahn MD, FACC

    Dear readers, Bempedoic acid (BA) is a unique prescription drug used to lower cholesterol levels for both primary and secondary prevention. Its mechanism is distinct…

  • Joel Kahn MD, FACC

    Dear readers, The treatment of non-ST elevation myocardial infarctions (NSTEMI) in the elderly varies. A new randomized trial did not show an advantage to routine…

  • Joel Kahn MD, FACC

    Dear readers, Since the introduction of the Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD as Prolon), many clinical trials have demonstrated benefits. Now, a new pilot study using…