‘Frankenstein’ material can self-heal, reproduce
Bacteria produce “living concrete”
Bacteria produce “living concrete”
Long-running advisory role cut along with two dozen others in agencywide reduction
The internationally sourced metal may have helped a predemocratic tyrant rise to power
Even common species have become much less abundant in just 20 years, a large analysis reveals
Detachable heads of marionettelike figures may have swiveled on a string more than 2000 years ago
Combining remote cameras with GPS tracking gives scientists powerful tool to look at early lives of these elusive animals
System sidesteps computing bottleneck in tuning artificial intelligence algorithms
Expiration dates help biologists trace the building of some avian homes back in history—in one case to 1991
Birth of rodent with coat genetically modified to resemble the extinct species raises big ethical and conservation concerns
Innovative trial designs aim to separate participant expectations from drug effects